Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kissed by God

Hafiz said that when he woke, he woke up to God's kiss
what a wonderful way to wake up knowing God was there
watching over him through the night keeping watch.
When I wake up and the light shines in my third eye
like the oceans of Northern lights I realized that
God is kissing me on the forehead too, and I know
he was with me, watching over me while I slept.
When you wake and you feel that sense of peace
remember it was, yes, God's morning kiss and his
protective love watched you through the night.
The sweet scent of God is healing,
He is always there keeping you, so
when the sun sines on you
in the early morning hours,
with a sweet melody
sing to the beloved,
Good Morning
God, I know
You're here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Swami from India in Charcoal

This is my rendition of Sri Kaleshwar from India. I have learned of him through
a woman in Moab who has been to India and has worked with him. He is an awesome healer and very spiritual man. She has told me some awesome stories about him and so I decided to do an art piece of him. I love doing art work of good people.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I want to be a Nun

So, when I was just a littl girl, like about six years old, I used to sit on the front porch of a three story home in the Avenues of Salt Lake City. The basement section of this home was where I lived with my parents of course. Anyway, I would sit on the front porch for a very special purpose which was to await the arrival of the nuns who lived on the top story of this home. I loved hearing the stories they would tell me about Jesus and how they served Him everyday. My love for Jesus was so great, to the point that my best friend, Linda, and I would go sit in the
Catholic graveyard, which was only about a half block away from where I lived, and sit at the foot of the cross - a headstone - and pray. I LOVED primary and my favorite song was, Jesus once was a little child. One day no one took me to primary so I took it upon myself to walk the streets of Salt Lake so I wouldn't miss it. When I got there I was so happy, even though I didn't know anyone there. I got to pick a song which was, This little light of mine. I looked out the window and I could litterally feel Jesus. I was happy as could be, that is, until my mom showed up to get me. The Wards had changed times and I was in the wrong ward so mom came to take me home. It took them quite a bit to convince me to go home and I could come back on my own Primary day. Sadly I gave in.
One very special day after talking to the nuns, the spirit had filled me from my head to my toes.
I felt so close to Jesus and I loved the nuns. It was then a sudden inspiration filled my soul. I wanted to be a nun and serve Jesus. I ran as fast as I could to talk to mom and let her know of my plans. Mom was not happy with those words at all. Being LDS, of course that was just not the news she would want to hear. Quickly she put me in my place and explained to me the importance of multiplying the earth, to become a mommy and get married. Guilt struck me as I she spoke and I quickly got that notion out of my head.
Life went on and 11 years later I was married and starting my family. I was a pretty straight laced person, not perfect but pretty straight laced. I had people tell me I was as straight as they came. All was well for a while, but something kept nagging at me. I didn't ever feel complete being LDS. I started going wayward and became a pretty lost soul for about 8 years. I did things I wish I had never done, and did things I never came close to thinking I would ever do. But it was then that my journey began. God took hold of me and over the course of about 8 more years, God gently guided me up and through and around the Mountain. I met many people of different faiths, and was influenced by many good people. I found my way back to God and learned many great things.
God is my all in all and I have to say I am a seeker - a God chaser. I know I am far from perfect
but my deepest love is God, and to dance with Him is the greatest thing on earth. God is my Love and He is the air I breath. For many years now, I have been more like that little girl I was in Salt Lake. Being Catholic now, it is too late to be a Nun but I can serve Jesus and I do my best to do just that. The void is finally gone.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Grandson in charcoal and graphite

The Truth Behind Many Talents

For many years now I have heard time and time again the following: "You have more talent in your little finger then I do in my whole body." OR... "My mom is one of the most talented women I know." Or... "One thing for sure is that your mom is very talented." My talents have a hidden truth behind them, a story, and none of the many things I can do came naturally, I worked very hard, and had a certain motivation to each talent learned, which was, to be accepted and loved.

When I was a little girl it didn't seem to matter what I did or didn't do it was never good enough. I would try to sing and I was told to quit singing because I had a horrible voice, but then one day I was singing to the Radio and my Aunt Kim said, "Wow, you have a pretty voice." That was all it took, she gave me just enough confidence that I pushed my way into singing at different functions at church and in the community. Before long I was getting asked to sing all the time. Then I thought I should learn the guitar and I pushed my way again asking our neighbor if she would teach me how to play chords. She did after my pleading. Soon my guitar and my voice started taking me to some very fun places in my life. My big time hit was, "The little Blue Man." I had the chance to sing that song in Las Vegas, but plans were changed when I found out I was pregnant with my adorable Debbie. I NEVER once regretted that because my children were far more important to me. My singing and playing the guitar has blessed many lives.

When I was a little girl I always wanted to draw, but to no avail, I was told I couldn't even draw a stick figure, so discouraged I quit trying. In 6th grade, however, our art teacher had us go home and draw something we saw in our yard. So, I went home and I drew and colored in, moms Iris's. When my teacher saw my art work he told me that it was beautiful and that I should draw all the time. I got an A+ but still I figured it was just luck. I forgot about drawing until I was married and had 2 babies. I was constantly trying to find a way to impress my husband at that time, now my ex, and make him believe I was good at something. I wanted so badly for him to love me, truly love me, it was then my art teachers words hit me. So, I started an art course for drawing. I took this course for about a year. It did help me improve my drawing abilities tons. Soon, I started painting logo's on trucks and continued doing that for quite some time. Many years later, of all the art I've done, in an effort to impress and be loved, once again, I am not famous, but My art blesses people.

I could go into the other things I pushed myself to learn, but the end result would be exactly the same as my art and music abilities. The Motive, the drive behind it all, was to try to be loved and accepted. People defiantly notice what I do - but like all things that we chase in life which is not God, we come up empty and feeling unsatisfied. It didn't make anyone love me more, or accept me for who I am inside, I don't know that they even really know me. This story goes very deep, and I could ramble on with many different stories, but it is not the story itself I want to convey but the moral of the story.

Why try to gain acceptance from people when God already loves us and accepts us exatly for who we are "inside." When we chase Him, all other things fall into place. I think God must have been giggling at my wanderings, and yet, now I do have talents that I can use to bless people and God. Now that is Ironic - God helped me put my desires for acceptanc into the right place, by allowing Me to bless people. All things turn to glorify God.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cr A z Y Aunt Jeri

I heard it said again
just the other day
"there's crazy aunt Jeri"
and my head began to sway.
Harm I will never cause
not to anyone,
My heart is full of lots of love
I do kind things for everyone.
I've always walked the extra mile
to comfort and let you know
that you're all very special
never giving up when things went wrong.
So what's with the crazy Jeri?
I simply want to ask
Many many years ago
I could simply laugh.
Yet, some how through all the years
the laughter just won't come
Sometimes teasing may be fun
But it can drag a spirit down.
Sometimes being sarcastic
is the last thing one should do
Especially when I do my best
in little ways that says, "I love you."
Somewhere along the way
your little games became
a very, very hurtful thing
I just want to stay away.
Sometimes I act a little strange
I just want to have some fun
To lift the serious drag of life
planting sunshine in the mud.